A Plethora of Pumpkins / A conundrum of Confusion~Due October 25, 2024

Vicki Z

Addicted to ATCs
Feb 22, 2008
Feedback: +5290 / =0 / -0
Swap Due Date: October 25, 2024
Signup/withdraw date: October 25, 2024
Number of ATCs: 3 for 3 or 6 for 6
Number of Participants: Unlimited
Medium: MULTI MEDIA -- Any and all media and techniques are welcome

A Plethora of Pumpkins / A Conundrum of Confusion -- Due October25, 2024

The season for all things Pumpkin Pie Spice is upon us. This includes coffee, tea and pumpkin pie spice making everything nice. There is already an early release of Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte and several places are serving Pumpkin Spice Shakes. We are saturated with pumpkin spice in muffins, LIMITED EDITION cereal, LIMITED AVAILABILILTY cookies, cakes, candy, and SEPTEMBER ONLY Decked Out Donuts. Our nose is accosted with Pumpkin Pie Spice scented candles, elevator ambiance, and car/truck air fresheners.
Candy Corn has packed a behemoth batch of Pumpkin Pie Spice into those tiny corn kernels! Shortly we will have a plethora of Pumpkins, in craft shops, in grocery stores, in helium balloons, in costume shops, at the farmer's market. The bucolic September gives way to the Pumpkin invasion of October.

We must extrapolate our consumption of pampered pumpkins and differentiate our connection to the redolent, baking, pumpkin bread,
and perhaps consume pumpkin spice drinks like pumpkin shakes, hot tea, or a flavored latte,
We must address pumpkins as art, history, legend, and sheer fantasy.
We must resolve our Pumpkin Complex using "Freud" Algorithms.
We must adjudicate whether pumpkin is a fruit or is it a vegetable?

Is the Pumpkin Halloween Carving Contest an artistic challenge? Is the Jack-O-Lantern an early flashlight to find ones' evening way home after dark, or is a Creepy Jack-O-Lantern a protection against evil? (I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious. And, "Stitious" isn't an accepted English word.)

We must define whether pumpkins are a health helper since they seem to prevent cardiovascular disease, are an antioxidant, and prevent cellular aging.
Or is pumpkin a medicinal miracle which reduces blood cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

Have you ever heard of "punkin chuckin"? Have you ever indulged?
Do you decorate with pumpkins, or carve pumpkins, or cannibalize (eat) them?

Are Jack-O-Lanterns cute or creepy?
Are pumpkins the first Jack-O-Lanterns, or did Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater consume all the available pumpkins, so turnips were the original Jack-O-Lanterns?

Do you know the "truth" behind the "Judgement of Jack?"
Was Jack the original Bad Boy to challenge the Devil, then having won, lost, then won again, then LOST! AGAIN! He was forced to carry a lit vegetable to find his way in the “Between Worlds” realm to which he had been banished?

There are so many stories about pumpkins beyond eating them, carving them, decorating with them. There are very competitive pumpkin pie bake-offs, tearing families apart the way the Civil War did. There are fun (and messy) pumpkin fights, punkin chuckin, pumpkin lit candle mazes, pumpkin flavored coffee, cereal, candy, and more.

And THANKS to TrinaLD, here are some fears related to pumpkins that she discovered and shared.
The actual fear of pumpkins - Cucurbitophobia.
And the fear of being turned into a pumpkin - Apocolocynposis.
And here's one for this particular time of year at coffee houses -- CUCURBITOXENPHYLPHOBIA: A pathological fear of pumpkin spice.

And, remember, Reese's puts out a special run of chocolate covered Jack-O-Lanterns for the season.

Use your imagination, as long as you include pumpkins.

Show me what you know, or what you think you know, about pumpkins, via ATCs.

* This is a 3 for 3 or a 6 for 6 card trade. Make 3 or 6 ATCs cards and receive the same number back.

* ALL mediums and techniques are welcome. Please make sure you add some depth to your cards, whatever style you choose. Your mediums can include, but are not limited to: paper, tissue paper, crayon, acrylic, watercolor, gel pens, colored pencil, rubber stamping, ink, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, etc. Please do not take an image, cut it out, glue it to a card, and call it done. Color the background. Add some texture. Add more than one image. Make the ATC YOUR CREATION! Please send in your best work. Something you would not be disappointed in receiving if it was sent to you.

* Please sign up by posting to this thread.
* ONLY ATCs allowed. No APCs accepted.
* All cards need to be sent each in their own plastic sleeve.
* All cards need to be standard ATC size: 2.5” x 3.5”
* All cards need to be sturdy enough to earn the name “card” (no floppy or flimsy paper). If it is created on a single sheet of paper, please back your ATC with something stiffer, or more firm, such as a cereal box.
* Just as important, check for cards that are too thick. Each card must still be capable of fitting into the standard ATC sleeve. If your ATC will not fit into an ATC sleeve, it is too bulky.
* Please put the Swap name and your Username on the back of all cards. And please write clearly on everything!
.....We can't give you itrades and/or You Rock! points if we don't know who you are.
* Please confirm there is enough postage on both the envelope you send to me, and the envelope I need to send back to you.
* If you are unsure about mailing ATCs, or just may want to pick up some good tips for shipping, here is a great link. http://atcsforall.com/forum/showthread.php?t=909

* If you are inside the U.S., please include a Self Addressed Stamped Business Size Envelope (Approximately 4 by 9 1/2 inches), with one "Forever" stamp or current First Class Postage if trading 3 cards; or one "Forever" and one additional ounce postage stamp if trading 6 cards, OR if your cards are extra heavy or extra bulky (or 2 forever stamps if that is easier).

* International participants, if you have U.S. funds, or U.S. postage, it is greatly appreciated. However, since many of you do not have access to U.S. stamps/money, I will cover your postage. Please include a self addressed envelope 4 by 9 1/2 inches (10 x 28 cm), or if you do not have the correct size envelope, please include a large mailing label with your address and I will provide the envelope.

* I apologize for being so demanding about the envelope size, but the postal rates in the US charge extra for thickness. When cards are stacked, or overlapped, in (a smaller) envelope, it almost always costs more to mail. If you send me a small envy, the cards get stacked. When I use the 4 inch by 9 1/2 inch business size envelopes, I can spread the cards over the area, making a THIN package, and only pay for basic (minimum) postage.

* Share pics if you can. Everyone enjoys seeing what others are creating.
If you do share, be sure to delete your pics before the swap is archived so that they won't count toward your gallery.

* Cards are due IN MY HANDS by October 25, 2024. Please allow sufficient lead time for cards to get to me, particularly if you are an International participant. Please try to mail your cards early!! Delivery times can take much longer than we are used to.

* Returns will be mailed promptly. Please leave Feedback for your host ONLY (me) when you receive your returns, and please take the time to leave Reputation points for your fellow players from whom you receive cards.

* A hostie card in this theme is appreciated but not at all expected!

* Thank you for considering this swap! If you have my address from previous swaps, it hasn't changed. If you are new, or have not been in one of my swaps for a while, please contact me (send a direct message to me) for my address when you sign up or when you are ready to mail.

* Above all, Have fun!
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A Plethora of Pumpkins / A Conundrum of Confusion -- Due October 25, 2024
A Plethora of Players

2. mybrokenart -- RECEIVED
3. SiouxCitySue -- RECEIVED
/. Wolf_Moon -- WITHDREW
4. Warrior962 -- RECEIVED
5. Elenora -- RECEIVED
6. mossyoaks -- RECEIVED
7. lleydab -- RECEIVED
//. dvart -- WITHDREW
8. RaineyDay-- RECEIVED
9. Boots -- RECEIVED
10. Allegrae -- RECEIVED
11 wsquared77 -- RECEIVED
12. Ancient Planter -- RECEIVED
13. Vicki Z -- RECEIVED
14. An. M. Sudyka -- RECEIVED
15. Alaskabadger -- RECEIVED
16. cat-ballou -- RECEIVED -- GERMANY
17. Donnacr -- RECEIVED -- AUSTRALIA
18. ArtSean329 -- RECEIVED
19. mrubyjean -- RECEIVED
20. webbbugg -- RECEIVED
//. willyhoo10
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To carve a Pumpkin
First you must catch a Pumpkin



Note the mini brad holding the moving parts.
The brad allows the long tail to pivot out and to pivot to go behind the ATC, allowing it to fit into a sleeve
the cat so card fits into ATC sleeve

Die set By Suds&WH, available from Amazon.com
Cat and Pumpkin mounted on background created from a summer promotional beer case
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I'm going to lurk until I get through a few other swaps that are due before this one, but I do have a question - the only ones in my family who eat pumpkin are my dogs, who get it for their, uh, gastrointestinal issues, shall we say. And as for carving, I haven't done a jack o'lantern in decades. I just love to decorate with natural pumpkins so I can use them from mid-Sept. thru Thanksgiving. Then I open them up and leave the seeds for the birds in our yard as well as save some to plant for next year's crop. What do you think, can I be "honest" and just do pumpkins the way I use them, or shall I create some jack o'lanterns even tho' I don't actually do them? I'm stuck in a Conundrum of Confusion!
You can be honest and do pumpkins the way you use them.
Do your thing!

I did not know pumpkin was good for gastrointestinal issues.
I learn something new every day on this site.
LOVE IT. Thanks
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WOW, Vicki Z
Did you get a new Thesaurus for your birthday?
I did wonder about exfoliating a pumpkin, but then I looked up a couple of your lexicology.

Please change my status as a lurker to a participant.
This sounds so diverse.
Welcome Boots.
"exfoliate" a pumpkin?????
That is so FUNNY!

I signed you up.
I can hardly wait to see what you are going to create.
Pumpkin Pie is consumed with gusto around Thanksgiving.
Or you may celebrate National Pumpkin Pie Day in December.

Libby has a pumpkin pie recipe that uses evaporated milk to achieve a much lighter pumpkin pie than "regular" pumpkin pie.
Their recipe has been around, and it has remained unchanged, for75 years, and millions of people have enjoyed it.
I understand Libby has updated their original recipe this year, (for the first time), but I do not yet know what they have changed.
Another research project :0)
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Absolutely new to ATC. But was hooked after watching a YouTube. I’m going to lurk for a little if I may but I’m 85% sure I’ll want to participate.

BTW, nothing better than the wonderful smell of pumpkin bread baking.
A fruit, by definition, is the fleshy part of a plant that contains seeds and can be eaten as food. Tomatoes are also fruits, but in 1893 the US Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes were vegetables for the purpose of tariffs. So, legally, tomatoes are vegetables, but they're still fruits.
You are absolutely correct!

Tomatoes are:
Legally Vegetables.
Botanically Fruits.
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