Around The World Canada Swap~Due: May 25, 2024

The totem poles are typically found on the coasts of Washington state and British Columbia, Canada. They are made by many different tribes of indigenous peoples. Made of cedar wood, the wood withstands weather far better than other evergreens found in the northwest. The skyline of Toronto, Ontario, Canada is one of the most photographed skylines of a city in the world. Toronto is built on the shores of Lake Ontario. The old building shown is part of the University of King's College in Nova Scotia, Canada. This is the oldest chartered university in the country of Canada. The last is "Milepost Zero" which marks the beginning of the Alaskan highway. In my parents' and grandparents' day it was called the AlCan Highway. Now people who drive to Alaska through British Columbia can take an alternate route that saves many miles of driving. The sign at the top of the post tells the distance to many world cities including Tokyo and New York City. Two of the flags represent Canada and British Columbia. I don't know what the third one represents.
4 more ATCs for the swap

Banff National Park - Alberta Canada
Watercolor. Stamp
0417 Banff National Park Alberta Canada_20240417_0001.jpg

Copper Lake - Banff - Alberta Canada
Watercolor. Stamp
0417 Copper Lake - Banff Alberta Canada_20240417_0001.jpg

Jasper National Park - Alberta Canada
Watercolor. Stamp
0417 Jasper National Park Alberta Canada_20240417_0001.jpg

Lake Louise & Hot Springs - Banff - Alberta Canada
Watercolor. Stamp
0417 Lake Louise & Hot Springs - Banff Alberta Canada_20240417_0001.jpg
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