Clowns, Mimes & Magicians: Due November 22

pancake machine

The Dude abides
Staff member
Super Mod
Friend of AFA
Feb 20, 2008
Westerville Ohio
Feedback: +1002 / =0 / -0
Swap Due Date - November 22nd 2024
Signup/withdraw date -November 15th/ no withdraw date, just communicate
Number of Cards -3 for 3
Number of participants -unlimited
Medium: Open except exclusively digital. (nothing AI generated)

Clowns, Mimes, and Magicians!!

Welcome to the curious! How do they fit all those clowns in that car?? Where is that wall? And there wasn't a rabbit in the hat before!

Step right up and enjoy the talents of these performers. My examples will be on the next post.

You can portray individuals that are performing these roles, both those that are famous or ones that are unknown. You can also do cards that represent the tools of the trade for these performers. Flowers that squirt water, rabbits in hats, whatever mimes actually do/use. I liked the idea of including mimes since they don't get a lot of love, and a good mime is actually quite amazing.

As far as clowns go, let me know if you don't want creepy/ scary clowns if you want to join. I'll do my best to honor that, but it will depend in part on what gets submitted.

If you have questions please ask.

Swap Requirements ~
1. Each card must include a clown, mime, magician or something that is clearly a tool of their trade. (If it is an unusual tool, with a description on the back of how this fits the swap)
2. All cards should be standard 3.5” x 2.5”
3. This swap is 3 for 3. An extra card for the host is lovely and I genuinely appreciate it, but is completely optional. Sometimes I only have 3 ideas for a swap, so don't feel bad if you don't include a host card.

Other stuff:

As a host, I tend towards loosely swapping like for like. (collage for collage/ hand drawn for hand drawn- but I don't always hold to this. Sometimes I'm more drawn to trading cards that have similar themes to each other.)

Mailing Information ~
* Include username, real name, your state/country and the swap name on the back of all cards - and put username and swap name on all envelopes sent.
* US Participants – Please include a clearly written mailing label and stamp. This is what I prefer. If you send a SASE I'll use it, but not my first choice.
* International Participants - Please send a mailing label and I will cover postage. Again, I'll take an envelop, but not my first choice.

*Late cards past a day or so will be returned.

When you receive your returns, please leave Feedback for me as the host. I'll leave you Feedback when I receive your cards.
Use Reputation to thank the artists who's cards you received. Also, in the reputation, naming which card you received is nice, since some people like to know where their artworks end up.

1. Luk- Complete!
2. HHC - Complete!
3. Donnacr Complete!
4. Leydab - Complete!
5. Essy - Complete!
6. Webbbugg - Complete!
7. IradescentSiren - Complete!
8. Mybrokenart -Complete!
9. CICIcreates - Complete!
10. Makitso - received
11. Claudia_az - received
12. Pamitha -Complete!
13. sheshedoesit - received
14. Lavender - Complete!
15. Kehlenn - Complete!
16. Orinori - Complete!
17. Reagan - Complete!
Last edited:
And here are my examples:

Marcel Marceau: Master Mime

Send in the clowns. It's time.

Tricks with Balls
I’ve been watching for this swap because I thought it sounded interesting. For the moment, I am LURKING. Marcel Marceau is the only mime that I could name - surely there are others, are they all French? Or has the art nearly died out? And I’ve been so sorry recent movies have made people frightened of clowns! I always thought of them as comical, colorful, and happy. If I join, that is the kind of clown I will depict!
Awesome theme panny, I would ditto CICi above on the clown vibe. I loved circus clowns as a kid, truly loved them...and now they have been
portrayed as evil and horror which I want no part of!
So I will lurk for a spell, but this intrigues me.
Lurk on Cici and Holly!

As for mimes, I think of it more of an art form, but I don't really know any active mimes. I did look one up, Vahram Zaryan. It looks like he is a mime and performs other types of art.

As for clowns, I'm not opposed to anyone doing evil clowns if they want to. Go for it. I've done an evil clown or two in my day. However, lots of folks have done evil clowns, and I am fully open to just regular, happy, want to make people smile clowns. That does make this theme a little tricky, and will do my best to keep track of the clown types people might want.

I suspect this may be a smaller swap with not a whole lot of people, so it may end up being dependent on numbers too.
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Well, I'm into happy clowns and that is what I'll be making. I don't watch creepy movies and my memories are of fun circus clowns, and Shriner clowns in their little cars at parades. :D

Also, @pancake machine, I have a few ideas so please sign me up!
Lurk away Cynthia and I appreciate the mime love! There was a period, what the 90s with a weird anti-mime thing going on. You can also draw "tools of the trade", which is why I did the hat with a flower, but there may be other ways to present this as well/ a face with makeup, etc.
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