EASTER CHALLENGE, ATC Swap, due March 25

HELLO PLAYERS! Just checking in with a “time reminder”. We have two weeks till the due date (when cards need to be in my mailbox). We have one week and a day until the Signup/Withdrawal date (when I can still accept new signups, and when you need to let me know if you have to withdraw). Thanks for being part of a great swap! I think we are all ready for Spring, and the cards submitted are cute, pretty, funny, and wonderful!!
SIGNUP DEADLINE is almost a week away! Still a little time to join us, get cards made, and mail to me by March 25! This has been a fun one.
I mailed mine Feb 12th. They must be doing a world tour. They might still show up. I mailed an envelope in the Envie Addicts swap in January & it was returned to me as undeliverable last week so who knows my Easter cards might be just wandering. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will show up.
LindyLu, they still might! I’m watching for them.
Would any of you care to hazard a guess at the most often chosen color from all players? I have kept a tally, planning to make it a little contest with prizes and all. Time got ahead of me, so no contest. But do chime in with your best guess if you like, and I will post my tally results in a few days.
Would any of you care to hazard a guess at the most often chosen color from all players? I have kept a tally, planning to make it a little contest with prizes and all. Time got ahead of me, so no contest. But do chime in with your best guess if you like, and I will post my tally results in a few days.
I would guess pale pink or sky blue
LindyLu, they still might! I’m watching for them.
Would any of you care to hazard a guess at the most often chosen color from all players? I have kept a tally, planning to make it a little contest with prizes and all. Time got ahead of me, so no contest. But do chime in with your best guess if you like, and I will post my tally results in a few days.
SMikell, your cards are so cute (especially that bonnet one). Thanks for sharing! And thanks to you and OL for guessing a color. Hope more join in, and I will probably do the reveal around the 23’d or so.
Great cards! Cute duckling, and it looks like that bunny is “painting” the eggs with chocolate. Maybe over a marshmallow egg? And also I’m so glad I made a child in a bunny costume one of my prompts. A lot made that color choice, don’t recall what it was now. But I think a lot of you will see some cute costumed children.
CiCi, have my cards ever shown up? I went back to my notes & saw that I handed them directly to the USPS carrier. I've never done that before but can't imagine that would make difference. Hmmm, puzzling.:sad:
Sorry, no. Every time I walk to our mailbox, I’m hoping! Still a few days left, fingers crossed. - CiCi
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