Mid-January PAT ~ Due: March 28

Hey hey!!! I would like to join group 5 and group 6 please. Group 5 I would like the colour lavender with a leaves theme. For group 6 I think that this is the artists choice regardless of what I want LOL.
I would like to join!
Group 2 - a feather, bird or a cat
Group 4 - black and white on gray paper
I understand the swap rules
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I want to clarify, for grp 6. If you're building a deck, you can pick the cards you need from each player. Similar to the APC setup. If you're just starting to build a deck, artist choice is the best way to go.
Vegan4animals - I am a member of Group 4 (zentangles) - what do you mean by 'color sage'? Do you want me to draw the tangles using a sage pen?

If so, I am not sure what the colour 'sage' actually is - can you help me, please?
Donnacr, sage is green, more toward a celery color. Yes I was hoping the tangles could be drawn using a pen that color. Or they could be drawn in black and colored in sage.
Hi! I understand the swap rules! May I join group 7, please :)! My theme is ”Vintage woman or girl” and cards and players:
P1- 6 of hearts
P2 - 7 of hearts
P3 - me
P4 - Q of clubs
P5 - 7 of diamonds

I’m in Finland but I can send US Forever-stamp for postage!
I changed group 1 to a "profile" theme since I wasn't getting any takers for it and this theme seems to be pretty popular.
Any more players out there? We just need one more to fill up the zentangles. Two spots left in monochromatic, loteria & APCs. As well as a new group for profile. I hope to get these filled soon as some of the groups have international players that will need a little extra time for mailing.
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