Winter Birds ATC Swap Due March 1, 2024

Am I dreaming or losing my mind? (maybe both!). I swear I read in your swap description the specific American Robin and Northern Mockingbird, and now I don’t see them. They were two I was going to do (the mockingbird story is hilarious). For a few, the “Winter” part might be a stretch, but I did want to include the little stories. But more than that, I want to honor your requests for this swap. It’s not too late for me to change direction!
@CiCiCreates If you see those birds during the winter months, then they fit! We have a lot of year round birds we see both summer and winter, as well as our winter migration birds.
We have summer and winter robins, our summer robins go south for the winter, our winter robins are migrating from Northern Canada and Alaska to winter here.
I would like to join. My birds will fly out today or tomorrow. I had to restrain myself from painting a cardinal!

Tufted Titmouse (Baeolphus bicolor) - Found in Eastern US. It is common in deciduous forests and frequently visits birdfeeders.
Pileated Woodpecker ( Dryocopus pileatus) - This is the largest woodpecker native to North America, inhabiting the deciduous forests of eastern North America. In winters it roosts singly in holes in trees.
Black Capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapilus) - This is a non-migratory North American songbird found in northern US and southern Canada.
American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis) - This is a migratory bird commonly seen in weedy fields, bushes and along the roadside.
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Question (and I'm sure I know the answer): do they have to be birds we actually see in our backyard? I was birding on our trip to Friday Harbor last week, especially on the ferry, and got lots of photos of water fowl that certainly are never at my backyard feeder. Plus Jo painted 3 of the birds I was going to do that are at my feeder now so I'd like to do different ones! Or how about birds I see on bird feeder webcams from around the world? I'm hooked on webcams and love to watch the birds in S. Africa and Panama that are appearing now, plus the storks and other birds in Europe that I never see here. Oh, and go ahead and sign me up! I've got one done which I'll post later (it's one that's been hanging around my feeders, looking to feed on the little birds that come for the food).
Question (and I'm sure I know the answer): do they have to be birds we actually see in our backyard? I was birding on our trip to Friday Harbor last week, especially on the ferry, and got lots of photos of water fowl that certainly are never at my backyard feeder. Plus Jo painted 3 of the birds I was going to do that are at my feeder now so I'd like to do different ones! Or how about birds I see on bird feeder webcams from around the world? I'm hooked on webcams and love to watch the birds in S. Africa and Panama that are appearing now, plus the storks and other birds in Europe that I never see here. Oh, and go ahead and sign me up! I've got one done which I'll post later (it's one that's been hanging around my feeders, looking to feed on the little birds that come for the food).
They don't have to be just in your backyard. The intent is that they are birds that winter in your area of the country - within a short drive to go bird watching.
We're in Bellingham and drive to Lummi flats (raptors, eagles) or down to Skagit flats (eagles, tundra swans, snow geese, short eared owls) to birdwatch. I see a few different varieties at my son's feeder a few miles away in town - he has a wooded area behind his apartment. He regularly gets downy and hairy woodpeckers at his suet feeder and the occasional pileated woodpecker! We don't get as many woodpeckers since they 'clear cut' the trees around the retention pond at the back of our house several years ago.

Bottom line - the intent is winter birds that frequent your specific area in the winter months - be they year round or migraters.
Swap Due Date – March 1, 2024
Signup/withdraw date – None - please communicate and allow sufficient mailing time.
Number of Cards - 3 for 3
Number of participants – 25
Media- Open media with exceptions: No white edged stickers. No digital or prints. No heavy or thick embellishments.

Our theme is WINTER Birds - I love seeing the variety of birds at our feeders in the winter months. The lovely varied thrush shows up at our backyard feeder along with juncos. Our little chickadees are here year round as are the Annas hummingbirds and assorted sparrows and finches. In our area of the Pacific Northwest, winter birds include bald eagles up along the rivers and on the estuary flats along with snow geese, tundra swans, and assorted raptors. We even get an occasional snowy owl!
What winter birds do you see? Show us!
Open media with exceptions: No white edged stickers. No digital or prints. No heavy or thick embellishments.
Your birds can be realistic or whimsical. You just need to represent a bird in winter.


Basic Rules:
* All cards must be standard 3.5 inch x 2.5 inch
* Cards may be similar, however please make each card unique to itself.
* Send your cards in individual protective sleeves.
* Please send in work you’d be delighted to receive.
* Include the swap name, your User Name, real name and location on the back of all cards.

If you need to drop out, just let me know. No cards and no communication is very bad karma and will also result in a neutral i-trader!

Note that this is 3 for 3 only. An extra card for the host is never required.

Please allow plenty of mailing time! I’m an on-time hostess and late cards will be returned.

US Participants: Please include a self addressed envelope (SASE) with a Forever Stamp (.68 cents as of Jan 21, 2024).
International Participants: Please send your address on a self-stick mailing label (clearly written, please) and include your username. I will provide the envelope. Please include a well hidden $1.00 US Dollar or a US Global Forever Stamp. Please mail early – 3 - 4 weeks is recommended.

Please PM me for my address when you are ready to mail your cards. If you’ve traded with me recently, I’m still at Brownsville Place.

Posting in the thread when your cards are mailed helps me keep track. And please consider posting your lovely completed art for everyone to see!

When you receive your returns, please leave I-Trader/Feedback for your swap host (me) and please let your fell ow swappers know where there art now lives via reputation comments or profile post or a private message.

Winter Birders:

1. catladybj
2. Tillygo
3. smallgirl
4. sheshedoesit l
5. CherylS???
6. CiCiCreates
7. Strawberry2queen
8. moonrose442
9. jo.on.the.go
Swap Due Date – March 1, 2024
Signup/withdraw date – None - please communicate and allow sufficient mailing time.
Number of Cards - 3 for 3
Number of participants – 25
Media- Open media with exceptions: No white edged stickers. No digital or prints. No heavy or thick embellishments.

Our theme is WINTER Birds - I love seeing the variety of birds at our feeders in the winter months. The lovely varied thrush shows up at our backyard feeder along with juncos. Our little chickadees are here year round as are the Annas hummingbirds and assorted sparrows and finches. In our area of the Pacific Northwest, winter birds include bald eagles up along the rivers and on the estuary flats along with snow geese, tundra swans, and assorted raptors. We even get an occasional snowy owl!
What winter birds do you see? Show us!
Open media with exceptions: No white edged stickers. No digital or prints. No heavy or thick embellishments.
Your birds can be realistic or whimsical. You just need to represent a bird in winter.


Basic Rules:
* All cards must be standard 3.5 inch x 2.5 inch
* Cards may be similar, however please make each card unique to itself.
* Send your cards in individual protective sleeves.
* Please send in work you’d be delighted to receive.
* Include the swap name, your User Name, real name and location on the back of all cards.

If you need to drop out, just let me know. No cards and no communication is very bad karma and will also result in a neutral i-trader!

Note that this is 3 for 3 only. An extra card for the host is never required.

Please allow plenty of mailing time! I’m an on-time hostess and late cards will be returned.

US Participants: Please include a self addressed envelope (SASE) with a Forever Stamp (.68 cents as of Jan 21, 2024).
International Participants: Please send your address on a self-stick mailing label (clearly written, please) and include your username. I will provide the envelope. Please include a well hidden $1.00 US Dollar or a US Global Forever Stamp. Please mail early – 3 - 4 weeks is recommended.

Please PM me for my address when you are ready to mail your cards. If you’ve traded with me recently, I’m still at Brownsville Place.

Posting in the thread when your cards are mailed helps me keep track. And please consider posting your lovely completed art for everyone to see!

When you receive your returns, please leave I-Trader/Feedback for your swap host (me) and please let your fellow swappers know where there art now lives via reputation comments or profile post or a private message.

Winter Birders:

1. catladybj
2. Tillygo
3. smallgirl
4. sheshedoesit
5. CherylS???
6. CiCiCreates
7. Strawberry2queen
8. moonrose442
9. jo.on.the.go
Please sign me up.
@CiCiCreates If you see those birds during the winter months, then they fit! We have a lot of year round birds we see both summer and winter, as well as our winter migration birds.
We have summer and winter robins, our summer robins go south for the winter, our winter robins are migrating from Northern Canada and Alaska to winter here.
I live in South Florida, we see all the birds you don't during the winter. That said, I'd love to join this swap, if I may? I was a little intimidated by the "winter" designation since it really doesn't count here.
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Question: It sounds, from recent discussion, that the birds on the cards need to be identifiable as real species -- is that true?
In your intro, you say " just represent a bird in winter" and that the bird can be does a whimsical bird in a scarf or hat in a snowy scene, not really fit what you want?
Martha, mine will be whimsical, but still identifiable species. But I’ll let Helen tell you what she wants!
Oh gosh, I didn't mean to make it confusing. I'd prefer somewhat identifiable birds that you see during the winter months. I don't see flamingoes, so would not create one wearing winter gear, if that makes sense. There are many little birds that are similar, so for example, a brown bird with hat and scarf would fit for my area of the world.
I hope that doesn't confuse the issue more so than I've already done. 🫤
I live in South Florida, we see all the birds you don't during the winter. That said, I'd love to join this swap, if I may? I was a little intimidated by the "winter" designation since it really doesn't count here.
Welcome ArtSean329! Winter months are different in different areas of our country, so whatever birds you see during Dec, Jan, Feb, March work. I can't wait to see what you create. :)
Here's what I sent the other day. Watercolor I am really new to it. But I love it. This is a great swap to learn with.


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