Winter Birds ATC Swap Due March 1, 2024

We've been snowed in for the past 3 days. County finally plowed the road, so we ventured forth in the snow to the mailbox at the end of the block, and our first birds have flown in!

jo.on.the.go, your wonderful birds are here. Thanks so much for the host card!

moonrose442, your lovely birds have also arrived. Thank you for the host card!
Shoot! Mine should have been there by now since I mailed them Tuesday and they're only going up the road what, 3 hours? I guess your snow has slowed them down. We didn't get a single flake here at our house in Bremerton - very disappointing!
First Varied Thrush of the year at our feeders this morning, so they should be making it up your way soon, HHC.
Shoot! Mine should have been there by now since I mailed them Tuesday and they're only going up the road what, 3 hours? I guess your snow has slowed them down. We didn't get a single flake here at our house in Bremerton - very disappointing!
First Varied Thrush of the year at our feeders this morning, so they should be making it up your way soon, HHC.
Ancient Planter, we've had a snow event and the City and a good part of the county was impassable and nearly everything was closed on Wed and Thurs. Things started opening up yesterday. We're outside the city limits in the county, and our roads still are snowy, now slushy. And our mail has been sporadic since the pandemic. We don't get anything for 2-3 days, and then a pile. Your cards shall arrive! Not to worry!
Good mail day! Some birds have flown in!

ArtSean329, your lovelies are here! Thanks for the host card.

sheshedoesit, your fab cards are here as well! Thank you for including a host card.
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