There is nothing wrong with stopping your display of cards when the image is headed by "ATTACHMENTS" on your post. However, if you want to show an enlarged image that displays the entire card, follow these steps:
1) At the bottom left of the blank box before you write anything, there is a box "Attach Files." Click on this box.
2) Pick a card from your file of images and click on that. On my computer I need to follow that step by clicking "Open." This will place your image on the thread. The image will say "Insert" on the top left, there will be a garbage can on the top right, and at the bottom is the title of whatever you called your chosen card.
3) Click on "Insert". This will bring up "Thumbnail" and "Full Image" where "Insert" used to be.
4) Click on "Thumbnail." This will put a nice-sized image of your card into the thread.
If you have already placed an image of your card in the thread and your cards are displayed below the word "Attachments" you can edit your post by clicking "Edit" at the bottom of the post. Then follow the instructions above beginning with #3.