How Should I Use Feedback (iTrader)?



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Card Trading FAQ

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Swap Hosting FAQ

Who Can Host a Swap? How Many Swaps Can I Host? Commitments of Hosting How Do I Start a Swap? How Quickly Should I Send Out Returns? Closing Swaps What Do I Do If Someone Sends in Sub-Par Artwork? Sub-Par Artwork What Is Sub-par Artwork? Invitation only swaps How Do I Host a Pick a Theme (PAT)? What is an Uneven Swap? How do I Host a Circle Journal? Who can host a PIF? MMH? What About MIA Members?

Feedback (formerly called iTrader) System FAQ

How Should I Use Feedback (iTrader)? I Don't Deserve that Negative Rating! What Do I Do Now? Can a Negative Feedback (iTrader) be changed if the trade is finally completed? Can Someone Be Banned for Negative Feedback (iTrader) Ratings?

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The Feedback (formerly called iTrader 2008-2023) system is used only to rate mailed trades. Please use the system properly, as indicated in this FAQ, so that the ratings are a proper reflection of accurate trading status. Feedback (iTrader) points should be given for all swaps and trades.

Host: Person hosting the swap-leaves Feedback (iTrader) for participants
Player: Participant in a swap-leaves Feedback (iTrader)for the host ONLY! (Except for a PAT, see below)
Trader: Person completing a 1 on 1 personal trade

A member should leave an Feedback (iTrader) Rating for the other person in:
-Regular Swap -(Cards/items are mailed to the Host)-Feedback (iTrader) for the Host and Rep Points for the players you receive cards/items from
-Pick A Theme (PAT) Choose A Theme (CAT) -Feedback (iTrader) for each person in your group and the Host
Each member of a PAT/CAT will give you an Feedback (iTrader) rating. This means that if you flake or go MIA in this type of swap, you will receive a negative Feedback (iTrader) from EACH of them. Note also that two negative Feedback (iTrader) ratings will require you to go before Staff and could result in your being suspended, so please be sure you are able to fulfill your commitment before signing up
-Personalized Swaps - with no withdrawal swap is mailed to the Host (You make an item for each person) -Feedback (iTrader) for each player and the Host.
-Personalized Swaps -with no withdrawal players mail directly to each other-Feedback (iTrader) for each player and Rep Points for the Host
-Personalized Swaps - with withdrawal allowed Feedback (iTrader) for the Host, Rep Points for players
- One-On-One Trade - each partner to each other. In a personal trade (1-on-1) you are encouraged to negotiate when cards are due to be sent
- Decos - leave one for each person in your group and Rep Points for the Host
- Circle Journal Partners/Book Journals - to each other, but leave Rep Points for the Group Leader since page spreads are mailed to each other and not the Host.
- PIF (Play It Forward) - Leave a iTrader for the person that sent you a card/item
For example:
PIFs should be given iTrader - Because someone has agreed to make you a card and you have agreed to make someone else a card/item (even though they aren't the same person, it is still a commitment.)
-Round Robins and JAMS (Art) - iTrader to all artists in your group
- PAR (Pass A Round) - Players leave iTrader for the person who mailed to them. The Host will be entitled to leave a negative iTrader for any player who doesn't pass the PAR on in the allotted time frame.
-Supply Trades - (non Art) PIFs, One on Ones, Swaps

Wish Lists & RAKS: These are considered "gifts", so we DO NOT leave iTrader for them, use the Reputation Points system to thank members.

How To Leave iTrader:
1. You can access a person's iTrader system through their profile or by clicking their iTrader rating that appears in the header of their posts in any of the forums.

2. Please indicate the type of swapper that you are: Host, Player or Trader (see above for definitions).

3. Please indicate the rating that you will be giving the person.

Positive: You received the cards within reasonable time and in good condition.

Neutral: Cards were very late and there was very little communication regarding lateness.
The participant did not follow guidelines for swap regarding technique/construction of card or any other aspect of the swap guidelines.
The participant did not send in cards for a regular swap and did not withdraw.
The participant withdrew after the withdrawal date and the host had specified that neutrals would be given for this in the swap rules.
Note: This last example pertains only to swaps where a withdrawal date has been posted. And to Chunky Book swaps or any swap where people make one item for each member of the group.

Negative: You did not receive any cards and you did send your cards. OR, the participant did not send in cards for a PAT swap.

4. Write a short comment where indicated. This comment will be viewable by all.

5. You can use the larger comment area to leave a private note to the trader if you wish. This will not be viewable by anyone but the recipient.

Due to the inconsistent delivery time for mail to reach its destination, please allow 4-5 weeks for delivery and communicate with the other trader before leaving iTrader.

*** Important if you plan to leave a neutral or negative rating:
Please note that all reasonable steps should be taken by both parties in a trade to ensure the success of that trade. Neutral or negative itraders should only be a last resort. If you are unhappy with the trade for whatever reasons, you should PM the other person with a clear explanation of why you are unhappy so that they are given an opportunity to correct it.

Swap Host Ratings
Just as artists aren't rated on the artistic merits of their cards but on trade issues such as communication and prompt mailing, swap hosts can only be rated on measurable issues such as these:
- updating of threads regularly, at least once each week
- sending cards on time
- packing cards appropriately (i.e. no taping over cards without sleeves)

iTrader for players removed from a Moley group:
-If someone worked in a player's moley, and the player DIDN'T do theirs, they should receive a Negative until they mail pages, the rating will then be changed to a Neutral.
-If a player holds up a moley for more than 2 weeks past the mail out dead line, the moley owner or the Group Leader can give neutral at their discretion.

Negative iTrader in PIFs:
When a time limit has been set for a item to be accepted or changed, the thread starter may issue a negative rating for any player who holds up the thread by not offering another item.

PAT cards lost in the mail and Itrader:
If a PAT player has posted the images of their cards to the swap thread or their gallery and their cards are lost in the mail, a negative iTrader should not be given.
The players does have to remake the lost cards and complete the trades with the players in their group(s) as personal trades.
The details of the trade are to be worked out between the players*.
*This allows the lost cards player the ability to work out a time line to complete the trades, so they don't over burden themselves.
It also allows the players in the group the ability to "forgive" the trade and not make the lost cards player recreate their lost card.
amended 12/2013

Examples of what to say when giving Neutral iTrader:
- "Cards received for personal swap were not what was agreed upon or expected"
- "Cards received for personal swap were very late and communication was poor"
- "Player did not follow guidelines for swap regarding postage and SASE"
- "Player did not follow guidelines for swap regarding technique/construction of card"
- "Player stated she had 'already mailed cards' for group swap on 3 occasions, but never showed proof of completed cards".
- "Host mailed group swap cards four weeks or more after swap ending date. "

Examples of what to say when giving Negative iTrader:

- "Cards from group swap were never received by any participants"
- "Host is one month late in mailing returns, has not updated the thread"
- "Host did not send the correct number of cards to me and refused to correct the error"
- "Personal swap never followed through, swapper ignored my PM's"
- "Personal swap was requested and I sent my cards, they never sent cards in return"
- "Trader kept promising to send cards, but never followed through after 6 PMs"

* Rep Points:
- can be left for people that have sent a RAK or are a Wish List grantor.
- Participant to Participant in an Organized Swap

* Members whose cards are returned to them by the Host may not 'retaliate' with poor feedback for the host.

* If you have received a negative rating for a swap or trade that was not deserved, please send a private message to an administrator or a moderator for review.

* DO NOT leave Feedback (iTrader) ratings for trades not made at

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