What are the Reprimand Policies?



What is the Site Terms of Service? What is the Site Privacy Policy? Personal Safety Does ATCsforALL Have an Ethical Statement? Does ATCsforAll Have a Policy on Site Promotions & Call for Entries? Is There A 'Promotion Of Other Sites' Policy? What is the Site Nudity Policy? Underage Individuals and Nudity What are the Reprimand Policies? Can a banned member ever come back? What is the site policy regarding slander and related issues?

Card Trading FAQ

What's the Difference Between an ACEO and an ATC? What About One on One Trading? How do I link an image from my computer into a forum post? What is an Organized Swap? How Do I Join a Swap? What All Do I Need to Do Before Submitting My Art for Swaps? When Can I Expect to Receive My Returns from Swaps? How does a PAT Pick-A-Theme Swap Work? What Is Meant By Prints & Copies, Originals or Series? What Information About the Media I Used Must I Disclose? Where Can I Find Guidelines for Making ATCs? What are RAKs? What is a Circle Journal and a Journal Book swap? Even and Uneven Trading at AFA and AFA-Sponsored Events

Swap Hosting FAQ

Who Can Host a Swap? How Many Swaps Can I Host? Commitments of Hosting How Do I Start a Swap? How Quickly Should I Send Out Returns? Closing Swaps What Do I Do If Someone Sends in Sub-Par Artwork? Sub-Par Artwork What Is Sub-par Artwork? Invitation only swaps How Do I Host a Pick a Theme (PAT)? What is an Uneven Swap? How do I Host a Circle Journal? Who can host a PIF? MMH? What About MIA Members?

Feedback (formerly called iTrader) System FAQ

How Should I Use Feedback (iTrader)? I Don't Deserve that Negative Rating! What Do I Do Now? Can a Negative Feedback (iTrader) be changed if the trade is finally completed? Can Someone Be Banned for Negative Feedback (iTrader) Ratings?

Card Gallery FAQ

What kind of images can I upload to the gallery? How do I upload images to my gallery? How do I move a Picture from one category to another? How do I link a picture from my gallery into a forum post? Privacy policy Terms and rules Smilies Cookie usage BB codes

AFA has the following policies in place to ensure a friendly, open community. Actions that are not in keeping with this goal will result in infractions and/or warnings.

Individuals are first warned about their behavior by staff, in addition to the warning, staff will inform the member of the consequences of not following the AFA TOS (subsequent temporary suspensions, and how trading with be affected). If the behavior continues, they would normally receive an infraction and a temporary suspension (i.e., of two weeks). After an additional infraction the member will go before the Staff where the case will be discussed (a banning is a possibility at this stage.) Banning is a possibility in any extreme case.

There are two reprimand categories:

A) Being Rude, Offensive, or Harassing to Other Members

B) Spamming the Forums

If member LaLa commits a 'B' offense, they are giving a warning. if member LaLa then commits an "A" offense they are giving an warning. If member LaLa commits a second "A" offense, they are given an infraction and the temporary suspension. This insures that a member does not earn excessive infractions for something fairly innocent, like spamming.


Being Rude, Offensive, or Harassing to Other Members ("A" class offenses)

  • calling people out in threads--i.e. bringing a private situation between one or more members to light in the public forum in order to attempt to accuse, blame, question, slander or embarrass them.
  • Offensive and nasty language in a PM or on the forums, gallery comments, rep points, etc.
  • Harassment of members, such as to annoy persistently or to create an unpleasant or hostile situation by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct

Spamming ("Crapping") the Forums ("B" Class Offenses)

  • Spamming (Crapping) the forum by repeating posts of similar topic/content in multiple threads
  • Advertising Spam
  • Posting advertising in inappropriate places
  • Useless posts that are not on topic, such as posting "Yeah, you're right" or "I can't help you," are considered spam as they add to threads without adding value. Such messages, if considered vital by the writer, should be sent via Conversation.

Moderators/Administrators have the authority to issue infractions to users who violate these policies.
This applies to remarks made in the Forums, Threads, and in Personal Messages, to a member or Moderator/Administrator.
- Violations receive an infraction which is recorded in a timely manner of the offense or complaint.
- Users who have 2 or more infractions will be called before the Staff, who will determine whether to ban the user from AFA.

- All infractions are considered 'serious' and do not have an expiration date.

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