All forms of art and media creation are welcomed at Swap hosts have the authority to determine what media is preferred for the swap they are hosting (i.e wire only, Fabric only etc.) This mean that participants must learn what media is accepted for the swap, and submit work in that media only. ‘Open media’ swaps allow all media to be submitted.
PostageYou must follow the postage guideline as written by the swap host. Postage requirements may vary. If you are unsure about what you should do, please contact the swap host. Most hosts require that participants in their own country send postage to cover the costs of mailing returns. Participant outside the host’s country: please follow the guidelines set by your host.
A Note about Original swaps are usually theme-specific or media specific. Generally, you are not allowed to submit "copies" of work previously done for swaps--digital copies, photocopies copies, colored lineart that has been used before or any other form of "copy" for swaps unless it is stated it is okay in the swap guidelines. Each card must be original and created specifically for the swap.
If you plan on printing more of the same card, then it is not an "original" so please clarify this with each swap host before joining if you plan on submitting digital collages or paintings if you plan on printing multiple ones.
If you are in the same country as your ATC host, please make sure you enclose enough return stamps to cover your postage or a SASE, following the guidelines in the first post of each swap.
Please do your best work for each card that you submit and do not send in sub-par artwork (see the subsection of this area). Artists who continually send in sub-par work may no longer be able to participate in swaps.