Swaps must be started in the Open Swaps (ATCs or Mail Art)Forum. Please open a thread with the name of your swap and due date as the thread title.
Put at the top of your swap thread:If this is your first time hosting a swap at this website, please supply your full contact information to ATCsforALL.com by emailing or sending a private message to a Moderator. Your information will not be made public or shared with members of this site. Your contact information is only required in case we need to contact you offline regarding your swap.
Note: Swaphosts cannot impose a penalty for withdrawing from a swap on or before the withdraw-by date. Only Pick-A-Theme swaps carry a no-withdrawal rule.
In a swap where each participant makes an item for every other participant, hosts are required to include a Sign Up/Withdraw-by date so that participants will know exactly how many items they must create. Hosts are encouraged to offer a Waiting List so that withdrawing participants can be quickly and easily replaced.
If participants in these types of swaps withdraw after that date, then the host may give a neutral Feedback (iTrader) (leaving a neutral is optional). If the host chooses to leave neutrals, they must clearly write in their swap guidelines that a neutral will be given to anyone who withdraws after the withdrawal date. If the host gives one late withdrawing participant a neutral Feedback (iTrader), the host is bound in fairness to give all late withdrawals a neutral Feedback (iTrader).